01273 766620
01273 621444
Unlike many high street funeral directors, we mainly offer natural funerals.
We use essential oils in the gentle and respectful preparation of the body, as through experience we know that embalming is an invasive and unnecessary procedure in most cases. We dress the deceased in their own clothes, or use cotton shrouds. The coffins and urns we promote are made from natural, sustainable materials, such as willow, bamboo, untreated pine, wool, cardboard and recycled paper.
Several studies have shown that family involvement throughout the funeral process is an important factor within the grieving process, yet many funeral directors would not want families to be present during some of the procedures they carry out in preparing the body. Our gentle and respectful approach is why at ARKA Original Funerals we willingly involve families in all aspects of the funeral preparation (if this is their wish), from dressing the deceased, to carrying the coffin on the day of the funeral. This can make the day much more personal, more meaningful and can certainly help in the process of saying goodbye.